Standard Lessons
Standard Lessons
Standard or normal lessons can consist of 1 or 2 hours at a time. In a week you can take as many lessons you want to suit your time and convenience. We strongly recommended that you take two hour lessons at a time as it’s more efficient and it requires you to take less standard lessons. This is because you learn and absorb quicker and less time is spent recapping the previous lesson.
These lessons should not be seen simple as means of passing the test because we are teaching you a skill for life. We are sure you want to keep yourself and other drivers safe on the road. Our standard lessons follow the syllabus laid down by the Driving Standards Agency.
We are extremely flexible offering you a wide choice and superb service with standard lessons. Your lessons are tailored to work in with your schedule and you get to choose time, day, pick up and drop off allowing you to pass quickly and safely.